Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Distance Between Us

I fell in love with a friend, but she doesn't know it. I try to keep a friendly relationship between us for she is my best friend. My love for her exceeds all boundaries, but I keep my emotions a secret, for I am afraid to admit my feelings to her. The doubt in my mind surrounds my insecurities and emasculates my confidence. But most of all I'm afraid to hurt her feelings. For most of my life I have never stayed faithful. I have loved, but I have kept a rule to make sure that my feelings wont progress beyond lustful intentions. My actions prevents ongoing relationships and I can not bare the pain of hurting her feelings, but it ails me to keep the truth hidden, so I chose my only option (the separation of my heart) for her happiness. I sacrifice my love. I hold true to helping her view happiness from a distance.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Curiosity For Love

   With a bitter tongue she dropped her bike down on the sidewalk. The move was most idiotic, but she had to take a chance. The occurrence would only be on her mind temporarily. The wind began whispering 'Don't do it' as she furthered her steps onto his driveway. It was a ludicrous idea, but she could never know the results if she didn't try. Her simplistic move was to just do it and apologize if he didn't like it. Her adventurous heart began to take control. No scientific equation could predict the outcome of the moment.
   She became for panicky the closer she came to the front door. Abiding by her own promises, she kept forward. She was anxious and scared. her once coordinated steps were broken. She was too overconfident. The juicy taste of apple still lingered on her tongue. He wouldn't like the taste anyway. Once brave, she slowly made her way back to her bike. What was I thinking? Two flowers sat useless by the mailbox. They were crushed beneath her feet. Love is overrated. The chap-stick she pressed between her lips spelled 'Yummy'. A kiss so delicious.
   An enormous thud was heard behind her. Her body jumped and she turned around. She was gifted with the sight of him. He walked toward her. He was standing so close to her she could smell the mint of his breath. His hair was disheveled as if he had just woken up. His actions were so outgoing it had taken her by surprise. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. His clothes were pressed and tidy. She could smell the fresh scent of some kind of washing detergent. His futuristic eyes held a look so out of space. She stared at him blankly. She was Ill-formed of what was occurring as he leaned over and kissed her. A dream she once thought was so pathetic.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Raging Colors

The world is full of many, different colors, its primary color being blue, which surrounds the Earth's sky and water. Everywhere you go, you will see different colors, not one will be the same as the other, one will be lighter than the other and one will be darker than the other. You will see every color throughout the world. On rainy and cloudy days, the sky is gray, surrounded by depressing clouds. When the day goes by, turning into the evening, the sky will become a mixture of colors raging from pink, purple and orange. Then, when the day turns to night, the sky will either become a navy blue or an eerie black, looking like the void itself ready to swallow the Earth whole.   

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Pieces Of Hurt

His unique features lured her to him in an instance. His cologne became vacuous as they kissed to tease. Her sister stood on the top of the staircase aloof, watching. Home is precious, and he was her precious.
Her deodorant was becoming defective. "I'll be back." As a vast majority of the couch became clear, it was soon to be filled by her sister. She walked ahead in her skimpy outfit. Three steps to look away. Her tan fingers grazed the back of his neck. A teeny-tiny second went by before he pushed her away. A vengeful red flashed into her eyes as she laughed and lunged on top of him. Her spotless face grazed the side of his. "Stop!" His intentions were good, but were unnoticed.
She turned the corner with a bright smile lit on her face. It soon died as she saw her greedy sister and her boyfriend together. Seeing her cooing at her boyfriend brought rage. Her violet shirt tore as she rose in height. Her features tough, she let out a scornful roar. Her sister was lucky enough to dodge her first attack. She lay a deep cut into the heart of her boyfriend. Soon his face went pale as his body lay over, lifeless. Her sister caught the second-hand effect as blood splayed on her face. Her heart was sick and she knew it.
The tears on her sister's face was exciting. It's ashamed how her life had to end.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Splendid Blue

A beautiful sunny and peaceful October morning, the crispy autumn breeze blew her long, 

silky black hair, glistening in the sunlight's rays above clear skies. Along-side her stood her one 

and only son who had the same silky black as his mother, but looks of the father, who is no 

longer with them. They walk hand in hand through the not so packed park, covered in orange, 

yellow, red, and brown leaves, making the scenery look like a well painted painting. Their day 

continued on, with the clear blue sky eventually turning orange and pink, to a full dark blue, 

not a cloud in sight; the stars covering the midnight sky showed a figure watching down on his 

wife and little boy.

Monday, February 2, 2015

The Star Gazer

I can see the flowers blooming in the distance, but I keep my distance from the beauties of spring. For my black finger desecrates the beauty of natures wonders. I look unto its beauty yearning to touch it, to just feel the life surrounding me for I am envious of humanity for I can't experience the beauty of life, for I'm it's reaper, I'm the ferry man and the guider of these lost souls. I have never experienced the sensations of life for it is nothing more than a means to an end. I have no heart beat for I am a soulless being. I am divine and yet there's still a curse. My life is not of my own will. I can only accept the rolls of the given and assured for I am a puppet of high caliber. There is no will. If the world is the sun, I am the eclipse. I'm your end, but yet your beginning to the truth for those who seek. I am bad luck. I am the black cat. I hunt, but not for my own benefit. I'm held by the bell of my collar for I am alone in this world. I am refused my yearn for life. I can't even touch a flower so delicate and sweet for all I touch decays. It is my curse, but I want to feel alive. I want to feel the summer's air. I want to experience emotions other than pain and despair. I'm  an angel of death for my heart is black and my will is divine. I seek to be able to see the bright light of the world so as I stare unto the moon wondering what I'm imagining of a better life. I imagine shooting for the moon, but my wishes will not be met. I try to land on the stars, but I miss and come crashing down to earth. My wings are gone. I am no longer divine. I thought my wish had fallen on deaf ears, but I see now I am still watched over so I accept my lifestyle. I am free. I have fallen among the world and its clouds are my pillow, the people, I am free.

Bloody Blossoms

A beautiful Spring day, cherry blossoms blooming in the early morning sun. It`s sparkling 

pink petals glistening in sunlight showing the people it`s awesome glory. Nothing can deter its 

beauty from the world; no rain, no sunlight and not even hell itself, but besides nature, is 

humanity. Some humans are so ignorant to everything going on around them, so oblivious. 

Sadly, the Sakura blossoms start to wither and grow weak, instead of seeing a dull pink, you

will see a deadly bloody red.