Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Curiosity For Love

   With a bitter tongue she dropped her bike down on the sidewalk. The move was most idiotic, but she had to take a chance. The occurrence would only be on her mind temporarily. The wind began whispering 'Don't do it' as she furthered her steps onto his driveway. It was a ludicrous idea, but she could never know the results if she didn't try. Her simplistic move was to just do it and apologize if he didn't like it. Her adventurous heart began to take control. No scientific equation could predict the outcome of the moment.
   She became for panicky the closer she came to the front door. Abiding by her own promises, she kept forward. She was anxious and scared. her once coordinated steps were broken. She was too overconfident. The juicy taste of apple still lingered on her tongue. He wouldn't like the taste anyway. Once brave, she slowly made her way back to her bike. What was I thinking? Two flowers sat useless by the mailbox. They were crushed beneath her feet. Love is overrated. The chap-stick she pressed between her lips spelled 'Yummy'. A kiss so delicious.
   An enormous thud was heard behind her. Her body jumped and she turned around. She was gifted with the sight of him. He walked toward her. He was standing so close to her she could smell the mint of his breath. His hair was disheveled as if he had just woken up. His actions were so outgoing it had taken her by surprise. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. His clothes were pressed and tidy. She could smell the fresh scent of some kind of washing detergent. His futuristic eyes held a look so out of space. She stared at him blankly. She was Ill-formed of what was occurring as he leaned over and kissed her. A dream she once thought was so pathetic.

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