Monday, February 2, 2015

The Star Gazer

I can see the flowers blooming in the distance, but I keep my distance from the beauties of spring. For my black finger desecrates the beauty of natures wonders. I look unto its beauty yearning to touch it, to just feel the life surrounding me for I am envious of humanity for I can't experience the beauty of life, for I'm it's reaper, I'm the ferry man and the guider of these lost souls. I have never experienced the sensations of life for it is nothing more than a means to an end. I have no heart beat for I am a soulless being. I am divine and yet there's still a curse. My life is not of my own will. I can only accept the rolls of the given and assured for I am a puppet of high caliber. There is no will. If the world is the sun, I am the eclipse. I'm your end, but yet your beginning to the truth for those who seek. I am bad luck. I am the black cat. I hunt, but not for my own benefit. I'm held by the bell of my collar for I am alone in this world. I am refused my yearn for life. I can't even touch a flower so delicate and sweet for all I touch decays. It is my curse, but I want to feel alive. I want to feel the summer's air. I want to experience emotions other than pain and despair. I'm  an angel of death for my heart is black and my will is divine. I seek to be able to see the bright light of the world so as I stare unto the moon wondering what I'm imagining of a better life. I imagine shooting for the moon, but my wishes will not be met. I try to land on the stars, but I miss and come crashing down to earth. My wings are gone. I am no longer divine. I thought my wish had fallen on deaf ears, but I see now I am still watched over so I accept my lifestyle. I am free. I have fallen among the world and its clouds are my pillow, the people, I am free.

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